Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is Nevada Att. General the reason for the Maglev Hold-up?


Found this article where Governor Gibbons sent a letter to the Attorney General for Nevada (Catherine Cortez Masto)  asking for responses to some recent legal issues including MULTIPLE questions regarding the MAGLEV project.   We will let you form your own conclusion as to why it takes 3 months to grease the squeaky wheel.

(FYI... Writ mandamus means: "we command")


The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto
Attorney General of the State of Nevada
100 North Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4717
RE: Matters where legal action was requested
Dear Attorney General Masto:
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated March 24, 2010 in response to my request for action on the recently passed healthcare legislation.
In your letter you state that your office will review the legislation and analyze its constitutionality.
I fully understand the demands placed on your deputies considering the recent necessary budget reductions and hiring freeze. However, I am deeply concerned that I have yet to receive an answer on those matters, not just the health care matter, but others in which I have requested your office take action.
On January 22. 2010, my office sent you a drafted proposed Petition for Writ of Mandamus to be filed on behalf of the Nevada Department of  Transportation (NDOT) requesting the $45 million earmarked in the Safe, Accountable. Flexible, Efficient Fransportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users for the California-Nevada Super Speed Train Commission for the Maglev project between Las Vegas and Primm, Nevada, as a segment of the high-speed Maglev system between Las Vegas, Nevada, and Anaheim, California. On January 28, 2010, the Director of NDOT and our office requested status from your office on this matter. The following day, two deputies were assigned to review this matter and make a determination as to whether your office would initiate the requested legal action and whether to hire outside counsel. On February 3, 2010, the NDOT Director expressed to your office the urgency of moving forward with legal action in order to acquire the $45 million for Nevadajobs. On February 11.2010, still having no action taken on the requested litigation, my Chief of Staff. Robin Reedy met with you personally to express the necessity of commencing a timely legal action. To this day. we do not have an answer as to whether you will initiate an action on behalf of the State and specifically NDOT, requesting the $45 million that has been earmarked for Nevada for years.
On another matter, in November of last year, my office sent you information on Earlhworks v. Department ofthe Interior, a pending lawsuit involving the Bureau of Land Management’s rules on location, recordation and maintenance of mining claims and sites and on mining claims under the general mining laws. On the Nevada Commission on Mineral Resources’ recommendation, we requested your office intervene in the lawsuit. On December 11, 2009, my General Counsel, Adriana Fralick inquired from your office about the status of our request and was advised that further review by your office was needed. Ms. Fralick followed-up on December 21, 2009 and was given the same response. On February 22, 2010, members of my senior staff and the Administrator for the Commission on Mineral Resources met with you about this matter. Our offices are still waiting for a final decision on whether you will represent Nevada on this important issue that impacts mining claims.
Considering the above, you can understand my frustration when you tell me that you need to vet the healthcare legislation issue for its constitutionality. I made it clear in late December of last year that if the healthcare bill passed, I would ask you to challenge its constitutionality. My office was told that you could not act until after President Obama signed the bill into law. Now I am told that your office will not make a determination until after the reconciliation process is completed. How tong will the people of Nevada have to wait? How long does a reasonable person wait? Any reasonable person experiencing such inaction from a private law firm would have fired that law firm already.
The healthcare legislation presents a question of federal power versus states’ power – this is a second-year law school analysis. I understand your concern about spending public funds for frivolous lawsuits. However, the lawsuit initiated by fourteen (14) other attorneys general is hardly frivolous. You also expressed a concern that the lawsuit may have been initiated for political reasons because some of those attorneys general are candidates for election. I am informed that some of those attorneys generals are indeed running for an election. However, many are running unopposed. Further, this is not a partisan endeavor as two of those attorneys general are democrats.
Pursuant to NRS 228.170, please consider this letter directive for you to make a final determination by close of business day on Monday, March 29, 2010 as to whether you will join in the ongoing healthcare lawsuit. I have been advised that the reconciliation process should be completed by that time.
Jim Gibbons
Keep Flying On the Ground
Maglev News

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Barstow newspaper reports Maglev maintenance facility


From the Barstow/Victorville (Desert Dispatch) Newspaper.  Former Barstow Mayor Lawrence Dale (who sits on the CNSTC board)  announced that they are still anticipating the Maglev project and a maintenance facility.

This story also covers last weeks Senator Reeds Attempt to redirect the 45 million to McCarran Airport Exit ramp.
See the story below.

Proposed maglev train loses federal funding

2010-03-23 16:26:39
Backers of a proposed magnetic-levatating train that will run between Anaheim and Las Vegas with a stop in Barstow say they will stick to their schedule despite the likelihood that the federal funds they expected will be shifted to a different project.

Federal transportation funds in the amount of $45 million were intended for the $12.1 billion maglev project but is now being shifted to the Nevada Department of Transportation with the intent of widening a connector road near the McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. Ultimately, however, the state of Nevada will decide what to do with the funds.

The $45 million was shifted away from the maglev project as part of a jobs bill voted for by Nevada senator Harry Reid and signed into law Thursday by President Barack Obama. Reid switched his support from the maglev project last summer to a privately-funded high-speed train being built by DesertXpress Enterprises. The $4 billion diesel-electric train would run between Victorville and Las Vegas without a Barstow stop.

The California-Nevada Superspeed Train Commission and the American Magline Group, the maglev project’s public and private backers, are confident that the state will shift the $45 million back to the train project, said Mark Fierro, commission spokesman. The American Magline Group has already matched the federal funding by $11.25 million. The project should have received the funding last year, Fierro said.

“We say that when we receive the $45 million that we would be ready to break ground on a portion of the project within 90 days,” he said. “We would have been well underway with construction right now were it not for the delays that we’ve experienced in Washington.”

Former Barstow Mayor Lawrence Dale, who sits on the California-Nevada Superspeed Train Commission, said he’s disappointed that the commission hasn’t received the federal funding. There hasn’t been a recent meeting of the commission because they haven’t received the funding, he said.
We’re still very much involved with trying to move ahead with that project,” he said, adding that the maglev project would also include a maintenance facility in Barstow. “We are not anticipating that we won’t receive funding.”

The DesertXpress project is still mired in environmental review, said company spokesperson Lee Haney. Officials expect a final environmental impact statement to be completed in the summer. Construction will begin by the end of this year, she said.

DesertXpress officials met with current Barstow Mayor Joe Gomez last fall with regards to a stop in Barstow. A stop in Barstow is not planned at this time, however.
Gomez was unavailable for comment Tuesday.
Contact the writer:

(760) 256-4123 or

Keep Flying On the Ground!
Maglev News

Saturday, March 20, 2010



There is a lot of news out there the past few days with Senator Reid saying that "no-one is stopping" the maglev from being built due to non-matching funds available.  Today the Ca/NV maglev team posted on their Facebook page two additional letters showing they had the finances lined up and the support of NDOT back in April 2009.

Again, we encourage all of you out there if your not a fan of the Maglev team either Facebook or Twitter to become friends to receive updates from the team.

Here is the article from the Las Vegas Sun.

3/20/10 7:56 PM 
Harry Reid: 'No one is stopping' maglev train proposal - Friday, March 19, 2010 | 5:50 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun 
Page 1 of 3 
Las Vegas Sun 
Harry Reid: ‘No one is stopping’ 
maglev train proposal 
By Richard N. Velotta (contact) 
Friday, March 19, 2010 | 5:50 p.m. 
Sen. Harry Reid says he isn’t standing in the way of funding for the proposed maglev transportation system 
between Las Vegas and Southern California and that "no one is stopping" that system from making progress. 
Reid issued a press release Friday in response to a column in which critics questioned his handling of funding 
needs for a high-speed transportation system for Southern Nevada. 
The column in the Las Vegas Review-Journal by John L. Smith quoted a critic of the senator’s support for a 
conventional high-speed rail project by DesertXpress Enterprises after the senator earlier backed a plan by the 
rival American Magline Group for a magnetic-levitation project. 
The maglev proposal would link Las Vegas with Anaheim, Calif., while the DesertXpress proposal would 
include a line between Las Vegas and Victorville, Calif., with plans to tie it to the voter-approved California 
high-speed rail system in the future. 
The release also followed media reports in which maglev spokesman Mark Fierro criticized Reid’s redirecting of 
$45 million that had been earmarked for the maglev project to a highway project at McCarran International 
Reid, a long-time maglev supporter, switched his allegiance to the DesertXpress project in June. While Reid 
characterized the switch as a result of a lack of progress by the maglev developers, critics have said the 
turnabout occurred because DesertXpress backer Sig Rogich had months earlier organized a group of 
Republicans in support of Reid’s re-election. 
"I have no ill will toward the people behind the maglev project and want it to be clear that no one, including 
me, is stopping them from moving ahead with their project," Reid’s release said. "During the many years I 
supported maglev, Congress made more than $50 million available, including a $45 million appropriation in 
(Senator Reid)
"We are now well into 2010 and maglev has failed to come up with the 20 percent match needed to obtain these 
federal funds, which is why I reprogrammed the $45 million for a transportation project in Southern Nevada that 
will actually create jobs right away," the release said. "While Nevadans are rightfully impressed with the maglev 
technology, they, like me, just want to see something get done. DesertXpress is ready to break ground and put 
Nevadans back to work this year." 

The release infuriated American Magline Group President Neil Cummings, who disputed several of the claims 
made by Reid in the release. 
Cummings said his consortium of companies has come up with more than $10 million in matching funds and in- 
kind services in conformance with federal regulations to pay for the environmental studies and approvals and 
preliminary engineering costs for the Las Vegas-Primm link.

Cummings backed his ire by releasing correspondence between his company, the Federal Railroad 
Administration and the Nevada Department of Transportation acknowledging key meetings that have occurred 
over the past year showing how the company worked toward securing a scope-of-work document giving it the 
green light to proceed. 
Among the highlights of the correspondence: 
*A March 25, 2009 letter from Mark Yachmetz, associate administrator for railroad development for the FRA, 
to NDOT Director Susan Martinovich referencing a Jan. 13, 2009, meeting at which the FRA expressed concern 
over whether the $45 million could be used on the portion of the route outside Nevada. The letter acknowledged 
that the American Magline Group had been working on an environmental assessment since 2004. The concern 
set in motion the need for a revised scope of work focusing solely on the portion of the project from Las Vegas 
to Primm, which didn’t concern Yachmetz since that portion of the route could eventually serve the proposed 
airport in Ivanpah Valley. 
*An April 8, 2009 letter from Bruce Aguilera, chairman of the California-Nevada Super Speed Train 
Commission, to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood referencing an April 1 meeting at which it was 
acknowledged that work would focus on "the First Forty Miles" of the maglev project – the Las Vegas-Primm 
link. The letter indicated the funding would help complete the final stage of the environmental impact statement 
for that area and that work could be completed within 12-18 months. 
*A PowerPoint presentation sent to Reid aide Bob Herbert by Cummings in April 2009 apprising the senator of 
the First Forty Miles strategy and progress made. Cummings said he received a thank-you e-mail 
acknowledging the document. 
*An April 17, 2009 letter from Cummings to Martinovich outlining the American Magline Group’s financial 
commitment for its required 20 percent funding match for the $45 million in federal funds. "These combined 
funds will enable the Nevada Department of Transportation to proceed with the proposals previously submitted 
to NDOT by the commission for use of these funds under the "two-year plan" so as to complete an 
environmental impact statement for the Las Vegas-Primm segment of the full corridor project and to take all 
steps necessary to make the project Œbankable’ and raise construction funding to build 'the First Forty Miles' of 
the full 269-mile corridor," the letter says. 
*A May 5,2009 reply from Martinovich to Cummings acknowledging American Magline Group’s matching 
*July 27 and 29, 2009 e-mails between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Nevada Department of 
Transportation acknowledging that the FRA was drafting the scope-of-work document. 
*An Aug. 21, 2009 letter from FRA Administrator Joseph Szabo to Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, the senior 
Republican on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and House Natural Resources Committee, 
thanking him for his support in working out the agreement to begin work on the maglev project. "We anticipate 
having the agreement in place very soon and look forward to continued cooperation with NDOT in preparing 
the environmental impact statement and the necessary supporting safety work for the project," the letter says. 
Reid’s release cited what he called "the wildly inaccurate claim that their project will immediately create 90,000 
jobs." He also was critical of "maglev’s 30-year record of failure" and that at a minimum, developers should 
have been able to complete an environmental impact statement in the time they have been working on the

Meanwhile, DesertXpress developers continue to await a "record of decision" on that company’s own 
environmental impact statement so that it can begin construction of its project. 
Despite criticism that Reid's lack of support for maglev would result in the loss of jobs, a labor group is happy 
that that DesertXpress could provide work and came to the senator's defense today. 
The Southern Nevada Building and Construction Trade Council issued a release today stating that it has begun 
the initial negotiating process for a workforce agreement with DesertXpress. 
"The DesertXpress high-speed train is estimated to create 20,000 jobs for skilled tradesmen and women and 
could easily create 700 permanent jobs," said Steve Ross, secretary-treasurer of the Southern Nevada Building 
and Construction Trades Council in the release. 
"This benefits all of the members of the Building Trades Council and is exactly what workers need right now. 
In essence, high-speed rail will help get Southern Nevada’s economy back on track and we are proud to be a 
part of that process." 

Part 2
This is the facebook link to the April 17 2009 letter bolded above.!/photo.php?pid=3810653&id=111312839388&fbid=376259204388

Here is the facebook link to the May 5 2009 letter bolded above.!/photo.php?pid=3810764&id=111312839388&fbid=376264114388

We encourage you to do your part in reading and researching all sides to this story.  The Maglev team has played part of its poker hand and now is waiting for the next card to drop.  It will be interesting how Senator Reid, FRA, and others will play their hand.

We do not know what the "NEXT STEP" for the Maglev team to be able get the funds released now that it shows the paper trail.

This is great news that moves the Maglev in the right direction forward!

Keep Flying on the Ground!

Maglev News

Friday, March 19, 2010

Funds for MAGLEV may be diverted to McCarren Airport road


There have been some confusing information the past few days regarding Senator Reid and funds already committed  to the Maglev development.  Below is the entire article from the Las Vegas Review Journal.  It has more information than what was published from the Las Vegas Sun.

There are a lot of key parts to the article and I would strongly suggest that you read the additional comments on the Ca/NV Interstate Maglev Project Facebook page.

(we have removed the article, and only posting the link)
Keep Flying On the Ground!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MAGLEV Driver & Supervisor positions


We have come across a few photos for you to enjoy.  The driver and supervisor positions within the MAGLEV.

You can find these images (around 7:25) from watching the following youtube link.

Driver controls:

Keep Flying On the Ground!

Maglev News

Sunday, March 14, 2010

ARTIC posts updated boards from 2/24 public meeting


ARTIC (Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center) has posted some updated boards from the February 24th public scoping meeting.

You can see the size of the ARTIC station.  Its been proposed that the CA/NV Maglev will follow the Santa Ana River bed (to the right of the screen).  The area above Anaheim stadium is the other part of the station that will cover the California High Speed Rail/AMTRACK~METROLINK/ARC (Anaheim Rapid Connection).

This is the proposed projected effected areas that will be next to the ARTIC station.  If you follow Katella to the left Disneyland is only 4 miles away, and both the Honda Center and Anaheim Stadium are very short walks from the ARTIC station.  (Wonders if they will have NEVADA FAN NIGHTS).

You may be wondering so Im at Anaheim but, how am I going to get to Disneyland?  Hence the ARC (Anaheim Rapid Connection).  The City of Anaheim is proposing two ideas that they will be narrowing down (At grade rapid transit) BUS or (elevated fixed guideway) Automated people mover, monorail, low speed maglev.

From the California High Speed Rail site you can make out renderings of the monorail in the ARTIC station.

It should be noted that Disneyland has NOT announced ANY plans to build, supply any monorails or equipment or real estate to the project including Cast Members (Disneylands word for employees) to operate such line.

That's It for Now.

Keep Flying On The Ground!
Maglev News

Shanghai Maglev Extension approved!


This is great news for MAGLEV followers.  It shows that MAGLEV works and is wanted.  Very interesting that the extension will cost 3.2 billion and the entire CA/NV project is estimated at 7 billion, and construction will get started THIS YEAR!  Lets hope that this will help move the CA/NV project along.

Maglev extension given green light
2010-03-14 09:03
THE extension plan for Shanghai's magnetic levitation train, the Maglev, is back on track.
The Ministry of Railways chief planner, Zheng Jian, said yesterday China had agreed to build a Maglev line between Shanghai and Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang Province.
The project is under careful consideration, Zheng said during a press conference on high-speed railway construction and development in China on the sidelines of the Third Session of the 11th National People's Congress in Beijing.
The line will start construction this year, Xinhua news agency reported.
It is also the only Maglev line in the medium and long-term plan, Zheng said.
First approved by the State Council four years ago in 2006, the extension was suspended in 2007 because residents along the line were worried that it would emit radiation and cause sickness.
An assessment released by environmental authorities, however, showed the extended project was safe.
Prior to the suspension, the Shanghai-Hangzhou Maglev line was expected to be in operation before the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
The top speed of the Maglev railway will be 450 kilometers per hour, but it will be limited to 200 kilometers per hour in the city's downtown areas.
Experts said it would take about half an hour to travel from Shanghai to Hangzhou, a trip which usually takes one and an half hours on the current service.
The new link will be 199.5 kilometers, about 24 kilometers longer than that included in the 2006 plan, said Xinhua. The line will also contain a downtown section of about 34 kilometers which is expected to connect the city's two international airports, Pudong and Hongqiao.
With a total cost of 22 billion yuan (US$3.22 billion), the new Maglev is expected to further beef up links between Shanghai and Hangzhou and boost cooperation among areas in the Yangtze River Delta.
It will set up two stops, Jiaxing and Hangzhou, within the section in Zhejiang Province.
Launched in 2003, Shanghai has the country's only Maglev route which is 31 kilometers long, between Metro Line 2's Longyang Road Station and Pudong airport. The single ticket price for the route is 50 yuan.

Keep Flying on the Ground!
Maglev News!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shanghai Station/Ticket Photos


Heres some photos of the Shanghai Station elements and tickets for the Maglev.  

Heres the train crew costumes!

Ticket Media

Security checkpoint

Entry doors!  

Close-ups of the tickets.

Notice the hole punch canceling the ticket.  Also the boarding guidelines... up to the platform 20 mins prior to departure and no check-in 5 minutes prior.

In a future post we will cover the times needed from the airport to Vegas vs. maglev train times.

Keep Flying on the Ground!
Maglev News