A news article was posted on July 31 regarding the status of Barstow if the DX was to move forward with negative effects on Barstow. This article was picked up and reprinted in a lot of San Bernardino community newspapers.
The following News sites that we can find have reprinted this article:
The Sun (San Bernardino)
Readlands Daily Facts
Inland Politics
Back in December 2010 there was report generated for the FRA to speak and to evaluate the finance and jobs that will be lost due to the ridership moving from I-15 to the DX line, not stopping in Barstow.
You can find the FRA requested report here:
Also check out the FRA Appendix B Husing Review (June 2, 2011) a response to the Barstow report by Ronald Barbieri (a real estate economist working for the City of Barstow) here:
Here is the Ronald Barbieri report (October 2010) from the City of Barstow to FRA:
Keep Flying On The Ground!
Ca/Nv Maglev News