As ARTIC keeps on moving forward with Artists being selected to provide the final prototypes for the area and construction teams are in the final selections as well... ARTIC is anticipating ground breaking to still take place sometime Spring/Summer of 2012 for a 2014 opening with a proposed ARC route via ARTIC to the Disneyland Resort / and Anaheim Convention Center Areas opening in 2018.
ARTIC has updated their powerpoint presentation slides! You can check them out here! Very classy and updated photos and side elevations!
ARTIC Main Page Presentation slides
From the home page from they have posted some information regarding the relocation of the Metrolink/Amtrack station. ARTIC has also released their Environmental Assessment papers for the project here:
Something interesting to view if you click on the Aesthetics section there are questions that are asked if "would the project create a new source of substantial light or glare, which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area.
(heres a photo that we posted back in December)

The interesting response is the following...
"ARTIC will create an additional source of light to the nighttime sky. The covering used for the Intermodal Terminal will be translucent, which will diffuse light emitted from the facility. The overall appearance of the Intermodal Terminal at night will be of a glowing half-globe, instead of a glaring dome with direct light shining out in all directions. Nighttime lights are necessary for the safety and security of employees and passengers on site and along the pedestrian bridge and trail easement, but outdoor light fixtures will be shielded so that lighting is focused downward to restrict any light spillover. Nighttime construction activities will occur. These instances will be temporary and will adhere to local regulations."
ARTIC attending conference
ARTIC has also posted on Facebook today that they will be attending the following conference this OCTOBER!
"ARTIC will be exhibiting at the ULI Fall conference at the Los Angeles Convention Center October 26-28. ARTIC is pleased to be a part of the Parsons Brinkerhoff (PB) booth #315. The PB/HOK team is responsible for design and engineering for ARTIC. If you are at ULI, be sure to check us out."
Keep Flying On The Ground!
Ca/Nv Maglev News