Sunday, May 13, 2012

Magnetbahn forums! Maglev Information


Do you need to find EVERYTHING about MAGLEV (from high speed to low speed systems) you will want to check out Magnetbahnforums.

MAGLEV TR09 Posters.  
If you ever wanted a piece of MAGLEV history the Henschel-Museum in Germany is selling Posters of the TR09...breakaway views... Shanghai...etc.  Prices are in Euros... and dont include shipping.  (Please pardon the quality of the photos... they want to sell posters)

Transrapid within its site still has its Screensaver for Shanghai still available for download.  You can find the directions from the Magnetbahn forums in both GERMAN and ENGLISH (scroll down).  Unfortunately this is only available for PC, NO MAC download is available.  

Keep Flying On The Ground! 
Ca/Nv Maglev News

Keep Flying On The Ground! Ca/Nv Maglev News

Monday, May 7, 2012

ARTIC posts Site-walk info sheets


Over the weekend ARTIC posted the pdf's that were presented from the site-walk.

You can find the slides here....

They also announced the following upcoming dates...

Theres lots of information on overhead floor separations, and some overhead photos and contractor requirements...

Keep Flying On The Ground!
Ca/Nv Maglev News

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ARTIC Job Site walk tomorrow May 2. (reminder)

Just a quick reminder to those that are following the ARTIC (Anaheim station) project.  We are getting close to a contractor announcement and ground breaking.

Tomorrow (May 2) at 15:00 there will be a tour of the ARTIC job site for contractors/sub-contractors, and a networking opportunity afterwards.

Individuals wishing to participate in the site walk must bring/wear personal protective equipment including: 1) hard hat, 2) safety vest, 3) eye protection and 4) steel-toed shoes. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.

You can download the informational pdf. file with map and directions (here).

Keep Flying On The Ground!
Ca/Nv Maglev News

Nv. Congress Candidate Questions DX project.

This is a post from the Facebook page of California/Nevada Maglev Team.

There was an interview for Dina Titus (Candidate for Nevada Congressional District 1....(which covers all of the Clark County area) Nevada Newsmakers (a political Q&A type show).

Candidate Titus, was asked the question about her view about Sen. Reid and the DX project and the Richard Velotta article in Vegas Inc.

Candidate Titus said that she was on the Ca/Nv Super Speed Train Commission for years, and even questioned the DX project against Reid, asking why only go half the way when you can go all the way to LA reaching more riders "one way to the other end and not stopping in the middle."   

She was also questioned about the $45 million that was earmarked for MAGLEV taken away by Sen Reid for the airport expansion.  

You can watch the video around the 13:00 mark.

Keep Flying On The Ground! 
Ca/Nv Maglev News