It appears that the Monorail is on its last $5.00 chip and is hoping for a 7 or 11!
Bloomberg reports that the Las Vegas monorail MUST expand in (8) years or it will be a "craps roll of boxcars" with a shutdown of the entire system is needed.
Heres an overview of the Monorail stories this past week.
Today, Tuesday June 21
Las Vegas Monorail trying to de-rail 90% of debt inches forward...
Sunday, June 19
Las Vegas resident figures out it may not always be faster to ride than to walk between casinos..unless you are playing the slots...
Wednesday, June 15
Monorail MUST expand or go to die in North Haverbrook... (sorry Simpsons reference)
Keep Flying On The Ground!
Ca/Nv Maglev News